
ForSmart: Effective Formal Methods for Smart-Contract Certification

Project funded by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund

Duration: 2023-09-01 ‒ 2027-08-31 (ongoing)

Funding: € 7999.900



Correctness and security of smart contracts is critical as digital assets may be at stake. To detect or evenis critical as digital assets may be at stake. To detect or even avoid such vulnerabilities in smart contracts, there have emerged bug-finding techniques, which lackin smart contracts, there have emerged bug-finding techniques, which lack soundness, and verification techniques, which lack precision.

In ForSmart, we aim to develop a hybrid, automated certification framework for smart contracts thatIn ForSmart, we aim to develop a hybrid, automated certification framework for smart contracts that symbiotically combines bug-finding in the form of test generation and verification in the form of sound staticin the form of test generation and verification in the form of sound static analysis, thereby achieving soundness and precision. Advanced automated-reasoning mechanisms, which we plan to develop and tailor to this domain, will support both testing and static this domain, will support both testing and static analysis.

We will maximize the impact of ForSmart by applying our framework to concrete applications of academic,of academic, industrial, and public relevance, such as DeFi apps, with a focus on certifying functional and securitya focus on certifying functional and security properties, as well as by making our infrastructure available to contract developers, auditors, and users. Weas by making our infrastructure available to contract developers, auditors, and users. We additionally plan to leverage our ongoing collaborations with Certora, the Ethereum Foundation, ConsenSys, and Microsoft Research.

We request funding for 3 PhD students. The duration of each PhD will be 4 years – the funding will cover3 PhD students. The duration of each PhD will be 4 years the funding will cover 3.5 years, and the remaining time will be spent on internships at the aforementioned companies tothe aforementioned companies to encourage industrial adoption of our framework.our framework.

The core team of ForSmart (PIs) has a 2/3 female participation. We aim to maintain such a balance when(Pls) has a 2/3 female participation. We aim to maintain such a balance when expanding

Keywords: test generation, static analysis, automated reasoning, hybrid, certification, smart contracts


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